Here it is. The Honda Element.
There are things in life that we want and we don't "need." This is one of those things for me. I just want one. I think they are cool. Everything about it screams unique and just cool. You can add so many accessories to it and just make it your own. I have a perfectly functioning car. It's paid off. Going back to having a car payment is stupid, I know this. But...
I like it. I want it. I am exploring it everytime I get online. I have even gone to the dealership and looked at one up close. My cousin drives one, she really likes it too. In fact, it seems like a small cult. In reading about it online I have found many websites where the contributors are bragging and boasting about being Element owners/drivers. I think I want to be one of those boasters. So, if you would like to donate money to my Element fund please send me an email and I will make sure you have my address. Thanks.
I think you forgot.. "I DESERVE it"
Great choice... in some color other than black of course.
The Element is a good car, at home I know some people that run a Honda dealership so I hear everything about them. I have always had a Honda (acura actually) and love them. Thanks for staying tuned to my blog, no I did not see the performance at the globe. It was a theatre near Covent Garden if you had ever been in that area of London.
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