Thursday, December 29, 2005

After the holiday

Well, another Christmas has past. Yet again, "Santa" spoiled all of us. "Santa" never ceases to amaze me in how well he knows me and what I want/"need." I got some great gifts, but I really enjoy getting to spend time with my family and just hanging out. Our Christmas is usually relaxing and pretty low-key. A lot of it depends on my nephew and like a great gift, he was very good and even opened a present or two. He was happy and even pulled himself to a standing position next to an ottoman on Christmas day. It was pretty cool to see and it just goes to show that little steps and strides are wonderful and welcomed!!
The new year is days away and I am excited to have some friends, old and new, at my place this year. It sounds to be the safest option and it will guarantee that conversation can take place.
I look forward to a nice celebration with friends.
I am hoping that you all have a safe and fun beginning to 2006!

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