Tuesday, June 13, 2006

babies, babies everywhere!!

Met some of my co-workers...wait...friends out for dinner this evening. 3 of them have had babies recently and one of the others is pregnant. There is something good to be said for sticking out like a sore thumb. Some of the conversations I was happy to not be a part of. For instance, hearing about labor, needles, and lots of breastfeeding isn't that much of a loss for me. I, at this point, have no interest in any of the aforementioned things. I am okay with this, thank you.
I do care about these people and the little people they have brought into this chaotic world, but sometimes I have a hard time relating to them.
I know some women talk about having difficulties relating to their friends after having kids or what-not, but I do have to say that being on the outskirts of labor/boobs/poop/bottles/feeding times/not sleeping etc, etc, is okay for me at this point.
Luckily, we had $2 margaritas that carried us all through. I guess good people and good friends can combat any differences.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, Berta!!
This is Joannie H. I just thought I'd tell you I enjoyed reading your blog!! I saw Erin, at the funeral today; and she gave me the address to this site! YOU ARE A HOOT!! Love the dog pictures.....cats I can do without, but somebody has to love them.....hee hee hee
God bless you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Berta! :) Cousin Carrie- I know all about the poop, boobs,feeding times. . . the list goes on. Love your Kayak! How fun you are! I would love to try it. We will be in Co. next summer- maybe we can swing up there again. I don't see y'all enough- but I love you to pieces! :)
P.S. Your computer skills are very impressive! I am good to get a basic email out.