Saturday, May 20, 2006

I suck...

at cleaning. I really do. I live my life, day to day, as a complete and utter slob. My house isn't ever clean enough to invite friends over (I do have a few). I feel terrible. I have a nice little house with a great deck and yard, yet I can't seem to convince myself that it is important enough to keep it presentable. I guess presentable is all I really want.
Two weeks ago, my sister showed up. Out of the blue. I hate that. I swore at her and only allowed her to walk through to the deck. I am embarrassed of the pit I live in. Everyone and anyone that knows me, knows this is how I am so I shouldn't think it's that big of a deal. But I do.
I always feel better after my mother lays a good guilt trip on me and comes over and "helps" me clean and sort through all of the shit I have accumulated. I always say, "I'll never let it get this bad again." And I do. I am lazy. I would much rather spend 3 hours at the dog park, watch TV, read a book, cruise the iTunes music store...basically anything other than clean my damn house.
I wish I were motivated to clean as I go. Some people (probably most) tidy up on a day to day basis so it doesn't get to the point that you dread the doorbell ringing.


Anonymous said...

Do you feel better after letting that out?
I love you and would much rather see you in a messy house than not at all!
Your Sister

JB said...

I was like that way back when too. Then I meet your Mother and she can tell you stories about Walt and my appartment. Do not fear she would like nothing better than to "help" you clean and so would your sister - just say Help!
