My family and friends surprised me in my parent's garage. I had friends represented from elementary school through my current work friends. My godparents were they were when I was born. Pretty amazing really. The invitations reached my current co-workers at my agency as well as my high school. I was a little overwhelmed to see friends from all stretches of my life. Erica, my bestest friend from college, drove from Minnesota. Lori and Lorie from Rochester, MN also made the trip. My college roommate who lives in WI attempted the surprise as well but was surprised herself and had her appendix removed that night instead. What timing.
My sister, Adam and a friend from work Sarah decorated, my mother made food and everyone laughed and had a good time. There was a little pinata action as well! My 30th was a great fiesta. Thanks everyone!

We spent Thanksgiving at Erin and Jeff's house. Sam was a really good boy and even fell asleep early. The last few weeks has been better for Sam, which makes things easier for Erin and Jeff too. We had great food and good laughs. I love spending time with my family.
Dad, Erin and I ventured out about 6:30 Friday morning to watch the action. We ate free breakfast at Sam's Club and found a few good buys. Most of all we just enjoyed the morning together, some real Father/Daughter bonding.
Ugh...that leads to today. I attempted to hang Christmas lights outside. I totally suck at that. I ended up only wrapping my lamp post, again. I don't want to be a scrooge, but the outside lights just aren't my cup o' tea. I did buy a Christmas tree today too though, so at least I can celebrate the holidays on the inside of my house! Now I'll go rummage through my parents boxes to find some ornaments and trimmings for the tree.
Just a quick fill in...hope all is well. Please continue to pray for Sam, Erin and Jeff.
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