Well, it took a little while to recover from the sesquicentennial...I might have had a little too much to drink. Lesson learned, no wine after midnight.
So, Saturday was pretty laid back and I putzed most of the day away. Went to the dog park and the dog sat under the picnic table while my albino skin was exposed to the hot July sun. Smart dog. Then over to my parents for an evening meal. Wonderful steak and potatoes, bread and watermelon. Then I went to a Jo Dee Messina concert at our Fairgrounds, it was last minute, but enjoyable.
Sunday I mowed the lawn then attempted to wash my beloved Element by hand. What the heck? I can't remember the last time I washed a car by hand. Well, it doesn't look that great in the sun, but I also washed the entire inside and the floors look sparkly again. I also installed a bug deflector on the hood. She's getting ready for the National 'E'vent. I am such a dork.
Then another stop to the dog park on Sunday evening before coming home and vegging in front of the TV.
Monday I helped a couple of friends with some babysitting before heading off on yet another kayaking adventure. We went to Lake Alvin, about 20-25 minutes south of SF. I went with my same 3 kayaking-cronies and had a great time. The weather was PERFECT and the sun was shining. I didn't get sunburned!!
Then out for dinner with two friends and to 'Superman Returns'. I wasted $8...I thought the movie was 'Super-Lame.'
Now today, Independence Day, I have washed my sandals from the murky-urky smell they acquired at the lake yesterday, played with the Coopster in the yard, and have been reading off and on all day. What a life...
Happy 4th of July to all...
Pic of new grille and bug deflector on StElla